Optional: Roast 1 cup rice flour on low heat for 5 minutes for a nuttier flavour (or skip to the next step).
Begin by boiling water in a pan. In a bowl add the rice flour and the boiling water, gradually.
Pour the water while mixing the rice flour gently using a wooden spoon.
Once the mixture cools down, knead with your hands to make a soft dough and set aside.
To a fresh pan, add brown sugar and heat it until it starts to caramelise.
Then add the plant milk (soy and coconut if using), molasses and water to dissolve it all. Bring it to a mouldable consistency, takes about 5-10 minutes.
Add the grated coconut and crushed cardamom. Switch off the heat and mix well.
For the next step, warm the banana leaves over an open flame so that it becomes flexible.
Grease the leaf with oil.
Take a ball sized dough and flatten over a banana leaf.
Place 1-2 tbsp of the stuffing and spread on one side of the dough.
Fold from the other side and seal the sides by pressing gently.
Place the Ela Ada in a steamer and steam for 15 minutes until it is cooked completely.
Serve warm or cold as per your liking.